Thursday, September 27, 2012

My confession to you...

As a mother, we go through so many mixed emotions, ups and downs with our childern. We want whats best for them but want them to learn from their mistakes. I sit here at work waiting to go pick up Riley from soccer practice and am just torn right now. I have rearranged my office, not once but twice, just to put it back to the way it was before with the exception of a few minor changes. And the reason for this madness is I receieved a phone call from one of Riley's teachers a little earlier to inform me that Riley had not done well on her science test today. She proceeds to tell me that it is not because she does not know the material, because she gets every answer right when she is called on. So I sit at work, arranging and rearranging, trying to sort through the emotions I have right now. I see too often on FB or other social media sites the "PERFECT" little families with the perfect life. This is my confession to you, my life is not perfect, my child is not perfect, I am not perfect nor is my husband. We yell and argue, mornings tend to be a nightmare around our house, but we learn from each and every disagreement. We love each other and support each other, but still we are not, and never will be, perfect.

1 comment:

  1. And neither are any of the seemingly perfect families on facebook or other blogs. Remember that. It's so easy to compare or feel like our life is not as good as everyone else's but in reality we are all walking the same rough road of life, some have more bumps and turns but we are all in this together. Blessings!
